Simplified Common Lisp reference
Mathematics, Arithmetics, Logic and Comparisons
* + - / /= 1+ 1- < <= = > >= and ceiling cos decf eq eql equal equalp exp expt floor incf isqrt logand logior max min mod nil not or random round sin sqrt t zerop
Conses, Lists and related functions
append assoc butlast car cddr cdr cons consp first getf last list list-length listp mapc mapcan mapcar mapcon maplist member null pop push pushnew rest rplaca rplacd second set-difference union
Sequences (Lists, Strings) and Arrays
aref concatenate copy-seq count elt find length make-array make-sequence map map-into position reduce remove reverse search some string string-downcase string-upcase subseq vector vector-pop vector-push vector-push-extend
Symbol, Characters, Hash, Structure, Objects and Conversions
atom coerce gethash intern make-hash-table
Input and output
format read read-char read-line write-string
Functions, Evaluation, Flow Control, Definitions and Syntax
apply case cond defparameter defun eval flet funcall function if labels lambda let progn quote setf setq
Mathematics, Arithmetics, Logic and Comparisons
Symbol type: function
*numbers(zero or more) => number
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

* function computes product of numbers. It does type conversions for numbers. There is no wraparound in integer numbers - they are arbitrary long. It works for all number types including integer, rational, floating point and complex.

(* 1 2 3) => 6
(* 1 2) => 2
(* 1) => 1
(*) => 1
(* 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => 12193263113702179522374638011112635269
(* 1.3 -5) => -6.5
(* 1.3d0 -5) => -6.5d0
(* #c(2 4) 3) => #C(6 12)
(* 3/4 7/9) => 7/12
Symbol type: function
+numbers(zero or more) => number
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

+ function computes sum of numbers. It does type conversions for numbers. There is no wraparound in integer numbers - they are arbitrary long. It works for all number types including integer, rational, floating point and complex.

(+ 1 2 3) => 6
(+ 1 2) => 3
(+ 1) => 1
(+) => 0
(+ 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => 11111111101111111110
(+ 1.3 -5) => -3.7
(+ 1.3d0 -5) => -3.7d0
(+ #c(2 4) 1) => #C(3 4)
(+ 3/4 7/9) => 55/36
Symbol type: function
-numbers(one or more) => number
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

- function computes difference between first value and sum of the rest. When called with only one argument, it does negation. It does type conversions for numbers. There is no wraparound in integer numbers - they are arbitrary long. It works for all number types including integer, rational, floating point and complex.

(- 1 2 3) => -4
(- 1 2) => -1
(- 1) => -1
(- 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => -8641975320864197532
(- 1.3 -5) => 6.3
(- 1.3d0 -5) => 6.3d0
(- #c(2 4) 1) => #C(1 4)
(- 3/4 7/9) => -1/36
Symbol type: function
/numbers(one or more) => number
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

/ function computes division or reciprocal. When called with one argument it computes reciprocal. When called with two or more arguments it does compute division of the first by the all remaining number. It does type conversions for numbers. It works for all number types including integer, rational, floating point and complex. Note that division by zero invokes DIVISION-BY-ZERO condition.

(/ 10) => 1/10
(/ 10.0) => 0.1
(/ 10 2) => 5
(/ 2 10) => 1/5
(/ 100 2 5 2) => 5
(/ 100 (* 2 5 2)) => 5
(/ 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => 13717421/109739369
(/ 1.3 -5) => -0.26
(/ 1.3d0 -5) => -0.26d0
(/ #c(2 4) 3) => #C(2/3 4/3)
(/ 3/4 7/9) => 27/28
Symbol type: function
/=numbers(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

/= function compares numbers according to "equal" predicate. Result is true if no two numbers are equal to each other, otherwise result is false. Note that only two argument version result is negation of = function, that is (/= a b) is same as (not (= a b)).

(/= 1 2) => T
(/= 2 1) => T
(/= 2 2.001) => T
(/= 2 2) => NIL
(/= 2 2.0) => NIL
(/= 0.0 -0.0) => NIL
(/= #c(1.2 4.5) #c(1.2 4.5)) => NIL
(/= 1 2 3 4 5) => T
(/= 4 4 4 3 4) => NIL
(/= 1 2 3 4 4) => NIL
(/= 1 2 3 4.0 4) => NIL
(/= 5) => T
Symbol type: function
1+number => number
Argument description:
number numeric value

1+ function adds one to the argument. See +.

(1+ 5) => 6
(1+ 1234567890123456789) => 1234567890123456790
(1+ 1.3) => 2.3
(1+ 1.3d0) => 2.3d0
(1+ #c(2 4)) => #C(3 4)
(1+ 3/4) => 7/4
Symbol type: function
1-number => number
Argument description:
number numeric value

1- function subtracts one from the argument. See -.

(1- 5) => 4
(1- 1234567890123456789) => 1234567890123456788
(1- 1.3) => 0.29999995
(1- 1.3d0) => 0.30000000000000004d0
(1- #c(2 4)) => #C(1 4)
(1- 3/4) => -1/4
Symbol type: function
<numbers(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

< function compares numbers according to "less than" predicate. Each (overlapping) pair of the numbers is compared by it. The result is true if all compared pairs satisfy comparison. Note that complex numbers cannot be compared.

(< 1 2) => T
(< 2 1) => NIL
(< 2 2.001) => T
(< 2 2) => NIL
(< 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => T
(< 1 2 3 4 5) => T
(< 1 2 4 3 5) => NIL
(< 1 2 4 4 5) => NIL
(< 3/4 7/9) => T
(< 5) => T
Symbol type: function
<=numbers(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

<= function compares numbers according to "less than or equal" predicate. Each (overlapping) pair of the numbers is compared by it. The result is true if all compared pairs satisfy comparison. Note that complex numbers cannot be compared.

(<= 1 2) => T
(<= 2 1) => NIL
(<= 2 2.001) => T
(<= 2 2) => T
(<= 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321) => T
(<= 1 2 3 4 5) => T
(<= 1 2 4 3 5) => NIL
(<= 1 2 4 4 5) => T
(<= 3/4 7/9) => T
(<= 5) => T
Symbol type: function
=numbers(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

= function compares numbers according to "equal" predicate. Result is true if every specified number is equal to each other, otherwise result is false.

(= 1 2) => NIL
(= 2 1) => NIL
(= 2 2.001) => NIL
(= 2 2) => T
(= 2 2.0) => T
(= 0.0 -0.0) => T
(= #c(1.2 4.5) #c(1.2 4.5)) => T
(= 1 2 3 4 5) => NIL
(= 4 4 4 3 4) => NIL
(= 4 4 4 4 4) => T
(= 4 4 4 4.0 4) => T
(= 5) => T
Symbol type: function
>numbers(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

> function compares numbers according to "greater than" predicate. Each (overlapping) pair of the numbers is compared by it. The result is true if all compared pairs satisfy comparison. Note that complex numbers cannot be compared.

(> 2 1) => T
(> 1 2) => NIL
(> 2.001 2) => T
(> 2 2) => NIL
(> 9876543210987654321 1234567890123456789) => T
(> 5 4 3 2 1) => T
(> 5 3 4 2 1) => NIL
(> 5 4 4 2 1) => NIL
(> 7/9 3/4) => T
(> 5) => T
Symbol type: function
>=numbers(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
numbers numeric values

>= function compares numbers according to "greater than or equal" predicate. Each (overlapping) pair of the numbers is compared by it. The result is true if all compared pairs satisfy comparison. Note that complex numbers cannot be compared.

(>= 2 1) => T
(>= 1 2) => NIL
(>= 2.001 2) => T
(>= 2 2) => T
(>= 9876543210987654321 1234567890123456789) => T
(>= 5 4 3 2 1) => T
(>= 5 3 4 2 1) => NIL
(>= 5 4 4 2 1) => T
(>= 7/9 3/4) => T
(>= 5) => T
Symbol type: macro
andforms(zero or more) => value
Argument description:
forms forms which value is considered

AND macro computes logical "and" function. Forms evaluation starts from left. Value from the first form that decides result is returned so forms at end of argument list may not evaluated.

(and t t t nil t) => NIL
(and t t t t) => T
(and) => T
(and (progn (write "SEEN") nil) (progn (write "UNSEEN") t)) => "SEEN" NIL
(and 4 5 6) => 6
Symbol type: function
ceilingnumberdivisor => quotient (numeric value), remainder (numeric value)
Argument description:
number number
divisor non-zero real number, default is 1

CEILING function returns two values, the first is result of dividing number by divisor and truncating toward positive infinity. Second result remainder that satisfies equation: quotient * divisor + remainder = number.

(ceiling 10) => 10, 0
(ceiling 10.3 2) => 6, -1.6999998
(ceiling 3/4) => 1, -1/4
(multiple-value-list (ceiling 20 7)) => (3 -1)
Symbol type: function
cosnumber => numeric value
Argument description:
number numeric value, angle in radians

COS function computes cosine of value in radians.

(cos 0.0) => 1.0
(cos 1.0) => 0.5403023
(cos 1.0d0) => 0.5403023058681398d0
(cos #c(1.0 1.0)) => #C(0.83373 -0.9888977)
Symbol type: macro
decfplacedecrement(optional) => numeric value
Argument description:
place place with numeric value
decrement numeric value

DECF macro modifies a place with numeric value. Its value is decremented by decrement number. Default decrement is 1.

(let ((a 10)) (decf a) a) => 9
(let ((a 10)) (decf a 2.3) a) => 7.7
(let ((a 10)) (decf a -2.3) a) => 12.3
(let ((a (list 10 11 12 13))) (decf (elt a 2) 2.3) a) => (10 11 9.7 13)
Symbol type: function
eqobject1object2 => T or NIL
Argument description:
object1 first object
object2 second object

EQ function compares object identity. It works for symbols and identical objects. It is not suitable for comparing numbers - see EQL and =. Result is true if they are same, otherwise false.

(eq 'moo 'moo) => T
(eq 'moo 'foo) => NIL
(eq 1 1) => T
(eq 1 2) => NIL
(eq 1234567890123456789 1234567890123456789) => NIL
(eq (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) => NIL
(let ((x (cons 1 2))) (eq x x)) => T
Symbol type: function
eqlobject1object2 => T or NIL
Argument description:
object1 first object
object2 second object

EQL function compares object identity, numbers and characters. Numbers are considered as equal only when they have the both same value and type. Result is true if they are same, otherwise false.

(eql 'moo 'moo) => T
(eql 'moo 'foo) => NIL
(eql 1 1) => T
(eql 1 2) => NIL
(eql 1234567890123456789 1234567890123456789) => T
(eql 1.0 1) => NIL
(eql 1.0 1.0) => T
(eql (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) => NIL
(let ((x (cons 1 2))) (eql x x)) => T
Symbol type: function
equalobject1object2 => T or NIL
Argument description:
object1 first object
object2 second object

EQUAL function compares same things as eql, additionally result is true under some other situations: conses are compared recursively (in both car and cdr part), string and bit-vectors are compared element-wise. Result is true if they are same, otherwise false.

(equal "moo" "moo") => T
(equal "moo" "MoO") => NIL
(equal #*1010101 #*1010101) = T
(equal (vector 2 3 4) (vector 2 3 4)) = NIL
(equal (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) => T
(let ((x (cons 1 2))) (equal x x)) => T
(equal 'moo 'moo) => T
(equal 'moo 'foo) => NIL
(equal 1 1) => T
(equal 1 2) => NIL
(equal 1234567890123456789 1234567890123456789) => T
(equal 1.0 1) => NIL
(equal 1.0 1.0) => T
Symbol type: function
equalpobject1object2 => T or NIL
Argument description:
object1 first object
object2 second object

EQUALP function compares same things as equal, additionally result is true under some other situations: conses are compared recursively (in both car and cdr part), any sequence is compared recursively (element-wise), strings and characters are compared case insensitively. Result is true if they are same, otherwise false.

(equalp "moo" "moo") => T
(equalp "moo" "MoO") => T
(equalp "moo" "moo ") => NIL
(equalp (vector 2 3 4) (vector 2 3 4)) = T
(equalp (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) => T
(let ((x (cons 1 2))) (equalp x x)) => T
(equalp 'moo 'moo) => T
(equalp 'moo 'foo) => NIL
(equalp "a" 'a) => NIL
(equalp 1 1) => T
(equalp 1 2) => NIL
(equalp 1234567890123456789 1234567890123456789) => T
(equalp 1.0 1) => T
(equalp 1.0 1.0) => T
Symbol type: function
expnumber => number
Argument description:
number number to be raised

EXP function returns e raised to the power number, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.

(exp 1) => 2.7182817
(exp 1.0) => 2.7182817
(exp 1.0d0) => 2.718281828459045d0
(exp 10) => 22026.465
(log (exp 10)) => 10.0
Symbol type: function
exptbase-numberpower-number => number
Argument description:
base-number number to be raised
power-number number that specifies power

EXPT function returns base-number raised to the power-number.

(expt 2 8) => 256
(expt 2 32) => 4294967296
(expt 2 64) => 18446744073709551616
(expt 10 3) => 1000
(expt 5 1/3) => 1.709976
(expt 1.709976 3) => 5.0
(expt 1 2) => 1
(expt 1.0 2) => 1.0
(expt 1.0d0 2) => 1.0d0
(expt -2 5) => -32
(expt 2 2.5) => 5.656854
(expt -2 2.5) => #C(1.7318549e-15 5.656854)
(expt 2 -3) => 1/8
(expt -2 -3) => -1/8
(expt -2.4 -3) => -0.072337955
(expt -2.4 -3.3) => #C(-0.032698035 0.045004968)
(expt (expt 10 5) 1/5) => 10.0
Symbol type: function
floornumberdivisor => quotient (numeric value), remainder (numeric value)
Argument description:
number number
divisor non-zero real number, default is 1

FLOOR function returns two values, the first is result of dividing number by divisor and truncating toward negative infinity. Second result remainder that satisfies equation: quotient * divisor + remainder = number.

(floor 10) => 10, 0
(floor 10.3 2) => 5, 0.3000002
(floor 3/4) => 0, 3/4
(multiple-value-list (floor 20 7)) => (2 6)
Symbol type: macro
incfplaceincrement(optional) => numeric value
Argument description:
place place with numeric value
increment numeric value

INCF macro modifies a place with numeric value. Its value is incremented by increment number. Default increment is 1.

(let ((a 10)) (incf a) a) => 11
(let ((a 10)) (incf a 2.3) a) => 12.3
(let ((a 10)) (incf a -2.3) a) => 7.7
(let ((a (list 10 11 12 13))) (incf (elt a 2) 2.3) a) => (10 11 14.3 13)
Symbol type: function
isqrtnumber => integer value
Argument description:
number positive integer

ISQRT function computes integer part of square root of number. See also SQRT.

(isqrt 10) => 3
(isqrt 4) => 2
Symbol type: function
logandintegers(zero or more) => integer
Argument description:
integers integers for bitwise operations

LOGIOR function computes bitwise logical "and" function.

(logand) => -1
(logand 1 2) => 0
(logand #xff #xaa) => 170
(logand #b1010 #b100 #b11) => 0
Symbol type: function
logiorintegers(zero or more) => integer
Argument description:
integers integers for bitwise operations

LOGIOR function computes bitwise logical "or" function.

(logior) => 0
(logior 1 2) => 3
(logior #xf0 #xf) => 255
(logior #b1010 #b100 #b11) => 15
Symbol type: function
maxnumbers(one or more) => numeric value
Argument description:
numbers comparable numbers

MAX function returns the maximal number from arguments. Type of resulting number may be different when arguments multiple precision numbers.

(max 1 3 2) => 3
(max 4) => 4
(= 3.0 (max 3 1 3.0 2 3.0d0)) => T
Symbol type: function
minnumbers(one or more) => numeric value
Argument description:
numbers comparable numbers

MIN function returns the minimal number from arguments. Type of resulting number may be different when arguments multiple precision numbers.

(min 1 3 2) => 1
(min 4) => 4
(= 3.0 (min 3 7 3.0 8 3.0d0)) => T
Symbol type: function
modnumberdivisor => number
Argument description:
number real number
divisor real number

MOD function returns modulus of two integer arguments. Non-integer arguments are first turned into integers by floor operation. Note that division by zero invokes DIVISION-BY-ZERO condition.

(mod -1 5) => 4                                                              
(mod 13 4) => 1                                                              
(mod -13 4) => 3                                                             
(mod 13 -4) => -3                                                            
(mod -13 -4) => -1                                                           
(mod 13.4 1) => 0.4                                                          
(mod -13.4 1) => 0.6                                                         
Symbol type: symbol
nil => symbol

NIL symbol denotes empty list and false value. There is also ubiquitous NIL constant which contains NIL symbol. NIL is considered as false value by comparison functions and control operators (unlike any other). Empty list, that is '() or even (), is the same as NIL value.

nil => NIL
'nil => NIL
() => NIL
'() => NIL
(eq nil 'nil) => T
(eq 'nil ()) => T
(eq () '()) => T
(not t) => NIL
(not nil) => T
(not 234.3) => NIL
Symbol type: function
notvalue => value
Argument description:
value logical value

NOT computes logical negation. Note that any other value than NIL is considered as true. NOT is identical to NULL, but used in conjunction with boolean logic processing unlike NOT which is used in list processing.

(not t) => NIL
(not nil) => T
(not 234.3) => NIL
Symbol type: macro
orforms(zero or more) => value
Argument description:
forms forms which value is considered

OR macro computes logical "or" function. Forms evaluation starts from left. Value from the first form that decides result is returned so forms at end of argument list may not evaluated.

(or t t t nil t) => T
(or nil nil nil) => NIL
(or) => NIL
(or (progn (write "SEEN") 123) (progn (write "UNSEEN") t)) => "SEEN" 123
(or 4 5 6) => 4
Symbol type: function
randomlimitrandom-state(optional) => numeric value
Argument description:
limit positive number, integer or real
random-state object representing random state

RANDOM function generates random numbers. For integer argument N, result is integer between zero (including) and N (excluding). For real argument X, result is real between zero (including) and X (excluding). All generated numbers have approximately same probability. Default value for random-state is stored in *random-state* global variable.

(<= 0 (random 20) 19) => T
(let ((x (random 1.0))) (or (= x 0) (< 0 x 1.0))) => T
Symbol type: function
roundnumberdivisor => quotient (numeric value), remainder (numeric value)
Argument description:
number number
divisor non-zero real number, default is 1

FLOOR function returns two values, the first is result of dividing number by divisor and truncating toward nearest even integer. Second result remainder that satisfies equation: quotient * divisor + remainder = number.

(round 10) => 10, 0
(round 10.3 2) => 5, 0.3000002
(round 3/4) => 0, 3/4
(round 3/2) => 2, -1/2
(multiple-value-list (round 20 7)) => (3 -1)
Symbol type: function
sinnumber => numeric value
Argument description:
number numeric value, angle in radians

SIN function computes sine of value in radians.

(sin 0.0) => 0.0
(sin 1.0) => 0.84147096
(sin 1.0d0) => 0.8414709848078965d0
(sin #c(1.0 1.0)) => #C(1.2984576 0.63496387)
Symbol type: function
sqrtnumber => numeric value
Argument description:
number number

SQRT function computes square root of number. Number may be integer, real or complex. See also ISQRT.

(sqrt 10) => 3.1622777
(sqrt 10.0) => 3.1622777
(sqrt 10.0d0) => 3.1622776601683795d0
(sqrt 4) => 2.0
(sqrt -4) => #C(0.0 2.0)
(sqrt #C(0.0 2.0)) => #C(1.0 1.0)
Symbol type: symbol
t => symbol

T symbol denotes true value. There is also ubiquitous T constant which contains T symbol. T is not only true value, all values except NIL are treat as true by comparison functions and control operators. Note that constants cannot be redefined (even locally) so there is no chance to make variable t in same name space with T (the true symbol).

't => T
t => T
(eq 't t) => T
(not t) => NIL
(not nil) => T
(not 234.3) => NIL
Symbol type: function
zeropnumber => boolean
Argument description:
number a number

ZEROP function returns true if the argument is zero.

(zerop 0) => T
(zerop -0.0) => T
(zerop #c(0 0.0)) => T
(zerop #c(0 0.1)) => NIL
(zerop 3/3) => NIL
Conses, Lists and related functions
Symbol type: function
appendlist(zero or more) => list
Argument description:
list lists to be concatenated

APPEND function concatenates list arguments into one list. Resulting list is shallow copy of specified lists except for the last which is directly shared. See also MAPCAN, CONS, LIST, LIST*.

(append) => NIL
(append '(1 2 3)) => (1 2 3)
(append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) => (1 2 3 4 5 6)
(append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7 8 9)) => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
(let ((x '(tail list))) (eq x (cddr (append '(front list) x)))) => T
Symbol type: function
associtemalistkey(keyword)test(keyword) => cons cell or NIL
Argument description:
item a key object
alist alist - list of cons cell with key-value pairs
key function for extracting key before test
test function key and item comparison

ASSOC function searches supplied list for cons cell that have item as car part. Return value is the cell with key-value pair which key matched testing conditions, otherwise NIL. Default comparison operator is EQL.

Associative list, or for short alist, is a list with key-value pairs in cons cells. That is ((key1 . value1) (key2 . value2) ...)

(assoc 'a '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) => (A . 1)
(assoc 'x '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) => NIL
(assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (b . 4))) => (B . 2)
(assoc "b" '(("a" . 1) ("b" . 2))) => NIL
(assoc "b" '(("a" . 1) ("b" . 2)) :test #'equal) => ("b" . 2)
(assoc 7 '((6 . a) (9 . b)) :key #'1+) => (6 . A)
(assoc 5 nil) => NIL
Symbol type: function
butlastlistn(optional) => list
Argument description:
list a list
n a non-negative integer, default is 1

BUTLAST function returns the argument list copy without N last elements. See LAST.

(butlast '(1 2 3)) => (1 2)
(butlast '(1 2 3) 0) => (1 2 3)
(butlast '(1 2 3) 1) => (1 2)
(butlast '(1 2 3) 2) => (1)
(butlast '(1 2 3) 3) => NIL
(butlast '(1 2 3) 4) => NIL
Symbol type: function
carlist => value
Argument description:
list cons or full list

CAR function returns the first element of list, that is the car part of its cons cell argument. CAR is identical to FIRST.

(car '(1 2 3)) => 1
(car (cons 'a 'b)) => A
(car (cons '(1 2 3) '(a b c))) => (1 2 3)
(car '()) => NIL
(car nil) => NIL
Symbol type: function
cddrlist => value
Argument description:
list cons or full list

CDDR function is composition of two CDR functions. That is, (CDDR X) is same as (CDR (CDR X)). There are other CAR and CDR combinations, see HyperSpec, CAR and CDR.

(cddr '(1 2 3 4)) => (3 4)
(cddr '(1 2 . x)) => X
(cddr '(1 . nil)) => NIL
(cddr nil) => NIL
Symbol type: function
cdrlist => value
Argument description:
list cons or full list

CDR function returns cdr part of cell in the argument, that is list of all elements but first. CDR is identical to REST.

(cdr '(1 2 3)) => (2 3)
(cdr (cons 'a 'b)) => B
(cdr (cons '(1 2 3) '(a b c))) => (A B C)
(cdr '()) => NIL
(cdr nil) => NIL
Symbol type: function
conscar-partcar-part => cons cell
Argument description:
car-part an object
car-part an object

CONS function make new cons object. The cons cell contains exactly two values. The first is named car, the second is named cdr. These cells are used to create one-way linked lists. See also CAR, CDR and LIST.

These names come from historical names "Contents of Address part of Register" and "Contents of Decrement part of Register".

(cons 1 2) => (1 . 2)
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) => (1 2 3)
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 'x))) => (1 2 3 . X)
(cons (cons (cons 'a 'b) 'c) 'd) => (((A . B) . C) . D)
(car (cons 1 2)) => 1
(cdr (cons 1 2)) => 2
Symbol type: function
conspobject => T or NIL
Argument description:
object an object

CONSP function returns true if the argument refers to cons cell, otherwise it returns false. See CONS and LIST.

(consp nil) => NIL
(consp 'some-symbol) => NIL
(consp 3) => NIL
(consp "moo") => NIL
(consp (cons 1 2)) => T
(consp '(1 . 2)) => T
(consp '(1 2 3 4)) => T
(consp (list 1 2 3 4)) => T
Symbol type: function
firstlist => value
Argument description:
list cons or full list

FIRST function returns the first element of list, that is the car part of its cons cell argument. FIRST is identical to CAR.

(first '(1 2 3)) => 1
(first (cons 'a 'b)) => A
(first (cons '(1 2 3) '(a b c))) => (1 2 3)
(first '()) => NIL
(first nil) => NIL
Symbol type: function
getfplacekeydefault(optional) => value
Argument description:
place a place with list
key keying value, also know as indicator
default answer when key-value pair is not found, default is NIL

GETF function searches supplied plist for value with matching key. Plist is list of even number of items. Each item pair specifies key and value. I.e. (K1 V1 K2 V2 ...). Return value is either value for first matching key, or specified default. Keys are matched by EQ function, therefore only suitable values are symbols and integers in range between MOST-NEGATIVE-FIXNUM and MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM constants. See also SETF, ASSOC and FIND.

(getf '(a b 4 d a x) 'a) => B
(getf '(a b 4 d a x) 'x) => NIL
(getf '(a b 4 d a x) 'x 'not-found) => NOT-FOUND
(getf '(a b 4 d a x) 4 'not-found) => D
Symbol type: function
lastlistn(optional) => list
Argument description:
list a list
n a non-negative integer, default is 1

LAST function returns the list of N last elements of list argument. See BUTLAST.

(last '(1 2 3)) => (3)
(last '(1 2 3) 0) => NIL
(last '(1 2 3) 1) => (3)
(last '(1 2 3) 2) => (2 3)
(last '(1 2 3) 3) => (1 2 3)
(last '(1 2 3) 4) => (1 2 3)
(last '(a . b) 0) => B
(last '(a . b) 1) => (A . B)
(last '(a . b) 2) => (A . B)
Symbol type: function
listlist(zero or more) => list
Argument description:
list list of objects

LIST function makes new list from arguments.

(list 1 2 3) => (1 2 3)
(list 'a #c(1 2) "moo") => (A #C(1 2) "moo")
(car (list 1 2 3)) => 1
(cdr (list 1 2 3)) => (2 3)
(list) => NIL
(eq (list) nil) => T
(eq (list) '()) => T
(equal (list 1) (cons 1 nil)) => T
(equal (list 1 'a) (cons 1 (cons 'a nil))) => T
(equal (list 1 'a 3) (cons 1 (cons 'a (cons 3 nil)))) => T
(equal (list 1 'a 3) '(1 . (a . (3 . nil)))) => T
(equal '(1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)) => T
Symbol type: function
list-lengthlist => integer or NIL
Argument description:
list list or cyclic list

LIST-LENGTH function computes length of the lists. LIST-LENGTH will return NIL if it encounters cyclic cons cell structure. LIST-LENGTH is slower than LENGTH because of additional cycle checking.

(list-length '(a . (b . nil))) => 2
(list-length '#1=(a . (b . #1#))) => NIL
(list-length (list 'a 'b 'c)) => 3
(list-length nil) => 0
(list-length (cons "moo" nil)) => 1
(list-length (cons "moo" (cons "boo" nil))) => 2
Symbol type: function
listpobject => T or NIL
Argument description:
object an object

LISTP function returns true if the argument is refers to object of type list; otherwise it returns false. Objects of list type can contain cons cells or NIL value (list terminator). See CONS, CONSP and LIST.

(listp nil) => T
(listp 'some-symbol) => NIL
(listp 3) => NIL
(listp "moo") => NIL
(listp (cons 1 2)) => T
(listp '(1 . 2)) => T
(listp '(1 2 3 4)) => T
(listp (list 1 2 3 4)) => T
Symbol type: function
mapcfnlists(one or more) => the first list from lists argument
Argument description:
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are lists
lists lists which elements are processed in parallel

MAPC applies function FN to elements of lists with same index. Each application result forgotten. Elemnts are processed only up to length of the shortest list argument. See MAPCAR, MAPCAN, MAPCON, DOLIST.

(setq dummy nil) =>  NIL
(mapc #'(lambda (&rest x) (setq dummy (append dummy x)))
      '(1 2 3 4)
      '(a b c d e)
      '(x y z)) =>  (1 2 3 4)
dummy => (1 A X 2 B Y 3 C Z)
Symbol type: function
mapcanfnlists(one or more) => list
Argument description:
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are lists
lists lists which elements are processed in parallel

MAPCAN applies function FN to elements of lists with same index. Each application result is concatenated into resulting list. See MAPCAR.

(mapcan (lambda (x) (list (+ x 10) 'x)) '(1 2 3 4)) => (11 X 12 X 13 X 14 X)
(mapcan #'list '(a b c d)) => (A B C D)
(mapcan (lambda (x) (if (> x 0) (list x) nil)) '(-4 6 -23 1 0 12 )) => (6 1 12)
Symbol type: function
mapcarfnlists(one or more) => list
Argument description:
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are lists
lists lists which elements are processed in parallel

MAPCAR applies function FN to elements of lists with same index. Each application result is put into resulting list. Length of resulting list is the length of the shortest list argument. See MAPCAN.

(mapcar (lambda (x) (+ x 10)) '(1 2 3 4)) => (11 12 13 14)
(mapcar #'round '(1.3 2.7 3.4 4.5)) => (1 3 3 4)
(mapcar #'list '(123 symbol "string" 345) '(1 2 3)) => ((123 1) (SYMBOL 2) ("string" 3))
(mapcar #'* '(3 4 5) '(4 5 6)) => (12 20 30)
Symbol type: function
mapconfnlists(one or more) => list
Argument description:
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are lists
lists lists which elements are processed in parallel

MAPCON applies function FN to the successive cdr of lists. Each application result is DESTRUCTIVELY concatenated into resulting list. In case of FN results that are fresh lists (non-sharing), the result is same as with (APPLY #'APPEND (MAPLIST ...)). See MAPCAR, MAPCAN, MAPCON, MAP, MAPC.

(mapcon (lambda (x) (list 'start x 'end)) '(1 2 3 4))
=> (START (1 2 3 4) END START (2 3 4) END START (3 4) END START (4) END)
Symbol type: function
maplistfnlists(one or more) => list
Argument description:
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are lists
lists lists which elements are processed in parallel

MAPLIST applies function FN to the successive cdr of lists. Each application result is concatenated into resulting list. See MAPCAR, MAPCAN, MAPCON, MAP, MAPC.

(maplist (lambda (x) (list 'start x 'end)) '(1 2 3 4))
=> ((START (1 2 3 4) END) (START (2 3 4) END) (START (3 4) END) (START (4) END))
Symbol type: function
memberitemlisttest(keyword)key(keyword) => tail or NIL
Argument description:
item an item to be found
list a list to be searched
test function key and item comparison
key function for extracting value before test

MEMBER function searches a list for the first occurrence of an element (item) satisfying the test. Return value is tail of the list starting from found element or NIL when item is not found. See also MEMBER-IF, POSITION, POSITION-IF, FIND and FIND-IF.

(member 1 '(0 1 0 0 0 1 0)) => (1 0 0 0 1 0)
(member 2 '(0 1 0 0 0 1 0)) => NIL
(member #\h '(#\H #\o #\l #\a)) => NIL
(member #\h '(#\H #\o #\l #\a) :test #'char-equal) => (#\H #\o #\l #\a)
(member #\h '(#\H #\o #\l #\a) :key #'char-downcase) => (#\H #\o #\l #\a)
Symbol type: function
nullobject => T or NIL
Argument description:
object an object

NULL function returns true if the argument is NIL, otherwise it returns false. NULL is identical to NOT, but used in conjunction with list processing unlike NOT which is used in boolean logic processing.

(null '()) => T
(null '(1 2 3)) => NIL
(null nil) => T
(null t) => NIL
(null 234.4) => NIL
(null "lisp") => NIL
Symbol type: macro
popplace => list
Argument description:
place a place containing list

POP macro modifies variable or generally place. It replaces the cons cell value with its cdr. Effectively it removes first element of the list found at the place. Result is the first element of the original list. See also PUSH, PUSH-NEW and ACONS.

(let ((x '(1 2 3))) (pop x)) => 1
(let ((x '(1 2 3))) (pop x) x) => (2 3)
(let ((x '((a b c) (3 2 1) (e f g)))) (pop (second x)) x) => ((A B C) (2 1) (E F G))
(let ((x '())) (pop x) x) => NIL
Symbol type: macro
pushitemplace => list
Argument description:
item an object
place a place which can contain any object, but usually list

PUSH macro modifies variable or generally place. It makes a new cons cell filled with item as car and previous value as cdr, that is effectively prepends new item to list found at the place. See also PUSH-NEW, ACONS and POP.

(let ((x 'x)) (push 4 x) x) => (4 . X)
(let ((x '(3 2 1))) (push 4 x) x) => (4 3 2 1)
(let ((x '((a b c) (3 2 1) (e f g)))) (push 4 (second x)) x) => ((A B C) (4 3 2 1) (E F G))
Symbol type: macro
pushnewitemplacekey(keyword)test(keyword) => list
Argument description:
item an object
place a place which can contain any object, but usually list
key function for extracting value before test
test function key and item comparison

PUSHNEW macro modifies variable or generally place. It conditionally makes a new cons cell filled with item as car and previous value as cdr, that is effectively prepends new item to list found at the place. New element is pushed only when it does not appear in place. Test argument specifies comparison operator. Default comparison operator is EQL. Key argument specifies function for extracting relevant value from list items. Default key is IDENTITY. See also PUSH-NEW, ACONS and POP.

(let ((x 'x)) (pushnew 4 x) x) => (4 . X)
(let ((x '(3 2 1))) (pushnew 4 x) x) => (4 3 2 1)
(let ((x '(3 2 1))) (pushnew 3 x) x) => (3 2 1)
(let ((x '((a b c) (3 2 1) (e f g)))) (pushnew 4 (second x)) x) => ((A B C) (4 3 2 1) (E F G))
(let ((x '((a b c) (3 2 1) (e f g)))) (pushnew 3 (second x)) x) => ((A B C) (3 2 1) (E F G))
(let ((x '("3" "2" "1"))) (pushnew "3" x) x) => (3 2 1)
(let ((x '("31" "24" "13"))) (pushnew "44" x :key (lambda (x) (elt x 0))) x) => ("44" "31" "24" "13")
(let ((x '("31" "24" "13"))) (pushnew "44" x :key (lambda (x) (elt x 1))) x) => ("31" "24" "13")
Symbol type: function
restlist => value
Argument description:
list cons or full list

REST function returns list of all elements but first, that is cdr part of argument. REST is identical to CDR.

(rest '(1 2 3)) => (2 3)
(rest (cons 'a 'b)) => B
(rest (cons '(1 2 3) '(a b c))) => (A B C)
(rest '()) => NIL
(rest nil) => NIL
Symbol type: function
rplacaconsobject => cons
Argument description:
cons a cons cell
object an object

RPLACA function changes CAR part of CONS cell to specified value. See RPLACD, SETF, CONS.

This can be also writen as (SETF (CAR cons) object).

(let ((my-list (list 5 3 6 2))) (rplaca my-list 'bla) my-list) => (BLA 3 6 2)
Symbol type: function
rplacdconsobject => cons
Argument description:
cons a cons cell
object an object

RPLACD function changes CDR part of CONS cell to specified value. See RPLACA, SETF, CONS.

This can be also writen as (SETF (CDR cons) object).

(let ((my-list (list 5 3 6 2))) (rplaca (cdr my-list) '(x y)) my-list) => (5 (X Y) 6 2)
Symbol type: function
secondlist => value
Argument description:
list cons or full list

SECOND function returns second element of list, that is car part of cdr part of its cons cell. SECOND is identical to CADR.

(second '(1 2 3)) => 2
(second (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c))) => B
Symbol type: function
set-differencelist1list2key(keyword)test(keyword) => list
Argument description:
list1 a list
list2 a list
key function for extracting value before test
test function key and item comparison

SET-DIFFERENCE function computes set difference, that is a list of elements that appear in list1 but do not appear in list2. Test argument specifies comparison operator. Default comparison operator is EQL. Key argument specifies function for extracting relevant value from list items. Default key is IDENTITY. Resulting item order is not specified. See also SET-EXCLUSIVE-OR, UNION and INTERSECTION.

(set-difference '(a b c) '(b c d)) => (A)
(set-difference '("a" "b" "c") '("b" "c" "d")) => ("c" "b" "a")
(set-difference '("a" "b" "c") '("b" "c" "d") :test #'equal) => ("a")
(set-difference '((a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 1)) '((b . 1) (c . 2) (d . 4)) :test #'equal) => ((C . 1) (B . 3) (A . 2))
(set-difference '((a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 1)) '((b . 1) (c . 2) (d . 4)) :key #'car) => ((A . 2))
(set-difference '((a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 1)) '((b . 1) (c . 2) (d . 4)) :key #'cdr) => ((B . 3))
Symbol type: function
unionlist-1list-2key(keyword)test(keyword)test-not(keyword) => list
Argument description:
list-1 list to be joined
list-2 other list to be joined
key function for extracting value before test
test function for comparison of two values
test-not function for comparison of two values

UNION function computes union of two lists. Resulting list contains elements that appear in one or other list. See INTERSECTION, SET-DIFFERENCE, SET-EXCLUSIVE-OR.

(union '(1 2 3) '(2 3 4)) => (1 2 3 4)
(union '((1) (2) (3)) '((2) (3) (4))) => ((3) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4))
(union '((1) (2) (3)) '((2) (3) (4)) :test #'equal) => ((1) (2) (3) (4))
(union '((1) (2) (3)) '((2) (3) (4)) :key #'first) => ((1) (2) (3) (4))
Sequences (Lists, Strings) and Arrays
Symbol type: function
arefarraysubscripts(zero or more) => element
Argument description:
array an array
subscripts a list of valid array indices

AREF function accesses specified elements of arrays. Every array index is counted from zero. Accessing out-of-bounds indices signals condition, or causes crash and/or undefined behavior, depending on compilation safety mode. Note that vectors (including strings which are special vectors) are treated as one dimensional arrays so aref works on them too.

AREF with conjunction of SETF may be used to set array elements.

(aref "hola" 0) => #\h
(aref "hola" 3) => #\a
(aref #(5 3 6 8) 1) => 3
(aref (make-array '(10 10) :initial-element 'moo) 9 9) => MOO
(let ((a (make-array '(3 3) :initial-element 'moo))) (setf (aref a 1 1) 'x) a) => #2A((MOO MOO MOO) (MOO X MOO) (MOO MOO MOO))
Symbol type: function
concatenateresult-typeseqs(one or more) => sequence
Argument description:
result-type sequence type specifier or NIL
seqs sequences

CONCATENATE creates new sequence and fills it with data from arguments. See also MAPCAN.

(concatenate 'string "hello" " " "world") => "hello world"
(concatenate 'list "hello" " " "world") => (#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o #\  #\w #\o #\r #\l #\d)
(concatenate 'vector "hello" " " "world") => #(#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o #\  #\w #\o #\r #\l #\d)
(concatenate 'vector '(1 2) '(3 4)) => #(1 2 3 4)
Symbol type: function
copy-seqseq => sequence
Argument description:
seq a sequence

COPY-SEQ function makes new sequence copy from old sequence. Note that there is no COPY-ARRAY function, but it can be emulated by this tricky code bellow:

(defun copy-array (array)
 (let ((dims (array-dimensions array)))
    (make-array dims :displaced-to array)
(let ((a "hello world")) (eq a (copy-seq a))) => NIL
(let ((a "hello world")) (equal a (copy-seq a))) => T
Symbol type: function
countitemsequencetest(keyword)from-end(keyword)start(keyword)end(keyword)key(keyword)test(keyword)test-not(keyword) => integer
Argument description:
item an item to be found
sequence a sequence to be searched
test function key and item comparison
from-end direction of search, default is NIL - forward
start starting position for search, default is 0
end final position for search, default is NIL - end of sequence
key function for extracting value before test
test function for comparison of two values
test-not function for comparison of two values

COUNT function counts specified elements in sequence. Return value is number of occurancesf or NIL if no occurance is not found. See also COUNT-IF, POSITION, POSITION-IF, FIND, FIND-IF and MEMBER.

(count #\s "Some sequence") => 1
(count #\s "Some sequence" :key #'char-downcase) => 2
(count #\s "Some sequence" :key #'char-downcase :start 1) => 1
(count #\x "Some sequence") => 0
(count '(1 2) #(9 3 (1 2) 6 7 8)) => 0
(count '(1 2) #(9 3 (1 2) 6 7 8) :test #'equal) => 1
(count 1 #(0 1 0 0 0 1 0) :from-end t) => 2
Symbol type: function
eltsequenceindex => element
Argument description:
sequence a sequence
index valid sequence index

ELT function accesses specified elements of sequences. The index is counted from zero. Accessing out-of-bounds indices signals condition, or causes crash and/or undefined behavior, depending on compilation safety mode. Unlike AREF, ELT works on lists too.

ELT may by used with conjunction of SETF.

(elt "hola" 0) => #\h
(elt "hola" 3) => #\a
(elt #(5 3 6 8) 1) => 3
(elt '(5 3 6 8) 1) => 3
(let ((a (list 1 2 3 4))) (setf (elt a 1) 'x) a) => (1 X 3 4)
(let ((a (copy-seq "hola"))) (setf (elt a 1) #\O) a) => "hOla"
Symbol type: function
finditemsequencetest(keyword)from-end(keyword)start(keyword)end(keyword)key(keyword) => element
Argument description:
item an item to be found
sequence a sequence to be searched
test function key and item comparison
from-end direction of search, default is NIL - forward
start starting position for search, default is 0
end final position for search, default is NIL - end of sequence
key function for extracting value before test

FIND function searches for an element (item) satisfying the test. Return value is element itself or NIL if item is not found. See also POSITION, POSITION-IF, FIND, FIND-IF and MEMBER.

(find #\s "Some sequence") => #\s
(find #\s "Some sequence" :key #'char-downcase) => #\S
(find #\s "Some sequence" :key #'char-downcase :start 1) => #\s
(find #\x "Some sequence") => NIL
(find '(1 2) #(9 3 (1 2) 6 7 8)) => NIL
(find '(1 2) #(9 3 (1 2) 6 7 8) :test #'equal) => (1 2)
(find 1 #(0 1 0 0 0 1 0) :from-end t) => 1
Symbol type: function
lengthseq => integer
Argument description:
seq sequence of objects

LENGTH function computes length of the list, vector, string or other sequences. For lists, LENGTH may get stuck in cyclic cons structures unlike LIST-LENGTH.

(length "hola") => 4
(length "") => 0
(length #(2 'a 5.6)) => 3
(length #*101010101110) => 12
(length (list 'a 'b 'c)) => 3
(length nil) => 0
(length '(a . (b . nil))) => 2
(length (cons "moo" nil)) => 1
(length (cons "moo" (cons "boo" nil))) => 2
Symbol type: function
make-arraydimensionselement-type(keyword)initial-element(keyword)initial-contents(keyword)adjustable(keyword)fill-pointer(keyword)displaced-to(keyword)displaced-index-offset(keyword) => an array
Argument description:
dimensions list of dimensions, or non-negative integer
element-type a type specifier, default is T - any type
initial-element a value, default is implementation dependent
initial-contents an object
adjustable a generalized boolean, default is NIL
fill-pointer a valid fill pointer for the array, or T or NIL
displaced-to an array or NIL, default is NIL
displaced-index-offset a valid array row-major index for displaced arrays, default is 0

MAKE-ARRAY function creates a new array. Array can be adjustable if specified, that is its dimensions can be shrinked or enlarged by ADJUST-ARRAY function.

One-dimensional arrays can have a fill-pointer. Fill-pointer makes array look like as if it would be shorter with only as many elements as fill-pointer specifies - while elements at the real end of array a still retained. Such array can be very easily enlarged or shrinked in bounds of the real size just by setting fill-pointer which is very fast. Functions like VECTOR-PUSH, VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND and VECTOR-POP make use of this.

Arrays can be displaced onto another array. Such array can have different dimensions and elements are shared on underlying row-major element order.


(make-array 5 :initial-element 'x) => #(X X X X X)
(make-array '(2 3) :initial-element 'x) => #2A((X X X) (X X X))
(length (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4)) => 4
(array-dimensions (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4)) => (10)
(make-array 10 :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0) => #*0000000000
(make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\a) => "aaaaaaaaaa"
(let ((a (make-array '(2 2) :initial-element 'x :adjustable t))) (adjust-array a '(1 3) :initial-element 'y) a) => #2A((X X Y))
Symbol type: function
make-sequenceresult-typesizeinitial-element(keyword) => sequence
Argument description:
result-type sequence type specifier
size a non-negative integer
initial-element element which is used to fill sequence, default is implementation dependent

MAKE-SEQUENCE creates a new sequence of specified type and number of elements. See also MAP.

(make-sequence 'list 4 :initial-element 'x) => (X X X X)
(make-sequence 'vector 4 :initial-element 'x) => #(X X X X)
(make-sequence 'vector 4 :initial-element #\a) => #(#\a #\a #\a #\a)
(make-sequence 'string 4 :initial-element #\a) => "aaaa"
Symbol type: function
mapresult-typefnseqs(one or more) => sequence or NIL
Argument description:
result-type sequence type specifier or NIL
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are sequences
seqs sequences which elements are processed in parallel

MAP applies function FN to elements of sequence with same index. Each application result is put into resulting sequence. Length of resulting sequence is the length of the shortest sequence in argument. Return value is NIL when NIL was specified as result-type. See also MAPC, MAPCAR and MAPCAN.

(map 'list (lambda (x) (+ x 10)) '(1 2 3 4)) => (11 12 13 14)
(map 'vector #'identity "hola") => #(#\h #\o #\l #\a)
(map '(vector character) #'identity #(#\h #\o #\l #\a)) => "hola"
(map 'string #'identity '(#\h #\o #\l #\a)) => "hola"
(map 'vector #'list '(123 symbol "string" 345) '(1 2 3)) => #((123 1) (SYMBOL 2) ("string" 3))
(map 'list #'* '(3 4 5) '(4 5 6)) => (12 20 30)
(map 'nil #'* '(3 4 5) '(4 5 6)) => NIL
Symbol type: function
map-intoresult-sequencefnseqs(one or more) => result-sequence
Argument description:
result-sequence sequence type specifier or NIL
fn function that takes as many arguments as there are sequences
seqs sequences which elements are processed in parallel

MAP-INTO applies function fn to elements of sequence with same index. Each application result is destructively put into resulting sequence. The iteration terminates when the shortest sequence (of any of the sequences or the result-sequence) is exhausted. Return value is same as the first argument. See also MAP, MAPCAR and MAPCAN.

(let ((a (list 1 2 3 4))) (map-into a #'* a a) a) => (1 4 9 16)
(let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4))) (map-into a #'* a a) a) => #(1 4 9 16)
(let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4))) (map-into a #'1+ '(1 2)) a) => #(2 3 3 4)
Symbol type: function
positionitemsequencetest(keyword)from-end(keyword)start(keyword)end(keyword)key(keyword) => index or NIL
Argument description:
item an item to be found
sequence a sequence to be searched
test function key and item comparison
from-end direction of search, default is NIL - forward
start starting position for search, default is 0
end final position for search, default is NIL - end of sequence
key function for extracting value before test

POSITION function searches for an element (item) satisfying the test. Return value is index of such item or NIL if item is not found. Index is relative to start of the sequence regardless of arguments. See also POSITION-IF, FIND, FIND-IF and MEMBER.

(position #\s "Some sequence") => 5
(position #\s "Some sequence" :key #'char-downcase) => 0
(position #\s "Some sequence" :key #'char-downcase :start 1) => 5
(position #\x "Some sequence") => NIL
(position '(1 2) #(9 3 (1 2) 6 7 8)) => NIL
(position '(1 2) #(9 3 (1 2) 6 7 8) :test #'equal) => 2
(position 1 #(0 1 0 0 0 1 0) :from-end t) => 5
Symbol type: function
reducefnseqinitial-value(keyword)key(keyword)from-end(keyword)start(keyword)end(keyword) => an object
Argument description:
fn a two argument function
seq a sequence
initial-value an object
key function for extracting values from sequence
from-end direction flag, default is NIL
start bounding index
end bounding index

REDUCE applies function fn to its previous result and next element. The result is what fn returned in last call. For the first call fn is called with either initial-value and first element or first two elements. See also MAPCAR, MAPCAN, MAP.

(reduce #'list '(1 2 3 4)) => (((1 2) 3) 4)
(reduce #'list '(1 2 3 4) :initial-value 0) => ((((0 1) 2) 3) 4)
(reduce #'list '(1 2 3 4) :initial-value 0 :from-end t) => (1 (2 (3 (4 0))))
(reduce #'list '(1 2 3 4) :from-end t) => (1 (2 (3 4)))
(reduce (lambda (x y) (+ (* x 10) y)) '(1 2 3 4)) => 1234
(reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4)) => 10
(reduce #'* '(1 2 3 4) :initial-value 1) => 24
Symbol type: function
removeitemseqfrom-end(keyword)test(keyword)test-not(keyword)start(keyword)end(keyword)count(keyword)key(keyword) => sequence
Argument description:
item an object
seq a sequence
from-end boolean specifying processing direction
test equality test
test-not non-equality test
start bounding index, default 0
end bounding index, default nil
count integer for how many elements to remove, or nil
key function of one argument

REMOVE make new sequence of the same type that has some elements removed. COUNT may limit the number of removed elements. See also REMOVE-IF, DELETE, DELETE-IF, SUBSEQ, and REMOVE-DUPLICATES.

(remove #\s "Sample string sequence") => "Sample tring equence"
(remove #\s "Sample string sequence" :count 1) => "Sample tring sequence"
(remove #\s "Sample string sequence" :test #'char-equal) => "ample tring equence"
(remove nil '(1 2 nil 4 nil 6)) => (1 2 4 6)
Symbol type: function
reverseseq => a sequence
Argument description:
seq a sequence

REVERSE function makes new sequence with reverted order of elements. See also MAP, MAPCAR and MAPCAN.

(reverse '(1 2 3 4)) => (4 3 2 1)
(reverse '#(1 2 3 4)) => #(4 3 2 1)
(reverse "hola") => "aloh"
Symbol type: function
searchsequence1sequence2test(keyword)from-end(keyword)start1(keyword)start2(keyword)end1(keyword)end2(keyword)key(keyword) => position
Argument description:
sequence1 a sequence to be found in sequence2
sequence2 a sequence to be searched
test function key and item comparison
from-end direction of search, default is NIL - forward
start1 starting position in sequence1, default is 0
start2 starting position in sequence2, default is 0
end1 final position in sequence1, default is NIL - end of sequence
end2 final position in sequence2, default is NIL - end of sequence
key function for extracting value before test

SEARCH function searches for one sequence in another. See also POSITION, POSITION-IF, FIND, FIND-IF and MEMBER.

(search "lo" "hello world") => 3
(search "lo" "HelLo WoRLd" :key #'char-upcase) => 3
(search "lo" "HelLo WoRLd") => NIL
Symbol type: function
somepredicatesequences(one or more) => T or NIL
Argument description:
predicate predicate function
sequences sequences

SOME function searches the sequences for values for which predicate returns true. It there is such list of values that occupy same index in each sequence, return value is true, otherwise false.

(some #'alphanumericp "") => NIL
(some #'alphanumericp "...") => NIL
(some #'alphanumericp "ab...") => T
(some #'alphanumericp "abc") => T
(some #'< '(1 2 3 4) '(2 3 4 5)) => T
(some #'< '(1 2 3 4) '(1 3 4 5)) => T
(some #'< '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4)) => NIL
Symbol type: function
stringobject => string
Argument description:
object an object

STRING function converts symbols, characters and possibly some other types into a string. If object is of string type, it is directly returned.

(string 'moo) => "MOO"
(string #\a) => "a"
(string "some string") => "some string"
Symbol type: function
string-downcasestringstart(keyword)end(keyword) => string
Argument description:
string a string
start integer bouded by string length
end integer bouded by string length

STRING-DOWNCASE function converts string into its upcase reprezentation. returned. See also STRING-UPCASE, STRING-CAPITALIZE, CHAR-UPCASE and CHAR-DOWNCASE.

(string-downcase "SOME STRING") => "some string"
(string-downcase "SOME STRING" :start 2) => "SOme string"
(string-downcase "SOME STRING" :start 2 :end 8) => "SOme strING"
Symbol type: function
string-upcasestringstart(keyword)end(keyword) => string
Argument description:
string a string
start integer bouded by string length
end integer bouded by string length

STRING-UPCASE function converts string into its upcase reprezentation. returned. See also STRING-DOWNCASE, STRING-CAPITALIZE, CHAR-UPCASE and CHAR-DOWNCASE.

(string-upcase "some string") => "SOME STRING"
(string-upcase "some string" :start 2) => "soME STRING"
(string-upcase "some string" :start 2 :end 8) => "soME STRing"
Symbol type: function
subseqseqstartend(optional) => sequence
Argument description:
seq a sequence
start bounding index
end bounding index, default NIL

SUBSEQ function makes new sequence as a subseqence of argument. Default ending index is end of sequence. See also COPY-SEQ and MAP.

SUBSEQ may be used with SETF.

(subseq "hello world" 3) => "lo world"
(subseq "hello world" 3 5) => "lo"
(let ((a "hello world")) (setf (subseq a 3 5) "LO") a) => "helLO world"
(let ((a "hello world")) (setf (subseq a 3 5) "YYY") a) => "helYY world"
Symbol type: function
vectorlist(zero or more) => vector
Argument description:
list list of objects

VECTOR function makes new simple general vector from arguments. See also LIST.

(vector 1 2 3) => #(1 2 3)
(vector 'a #c(1 2) "moo") => #(A #C(1 2) "moo")
(elt (vector 1 2 3) 0) => 1
(elt (vector 1 2 3) 1) => 2
(vector) => #()
(equal #(1 2 3) (vector 1 2 3)) => NIL
(equalp #(1 2 3) (vector 1 2 3)) => T
(type-of (vector 1 2 3)) => (SIMPLE-VECTOR 3)
Symbol type: function
vector-popvector => an object
Argument description:
vector a vector with fill pointer

VECTOR-POP function pops a element from specified vector. Supplied vector must have fill-pointer (see MAKE-ARRAY). Fill-pointer is decremented. The element to be popped is found at new fill-pointer position. See also MAKE-ARRAY, VECTOR-POP and VECTOR-PUSH. Return value is object found at previous end of vector.

(defparameter *v* (make-array 2 :fill-pointer 0)) => *V*
(vector-push 4 *v*) => 0
(vector-push 3 *v*) => 1
*v* => #(4 3)
(vector-pop *v*) => 3
(vector-pop *v*) => 4
Symbol type: function
vector-pushnew-elementvector => index or NIL
Argument description:
new-element a object
vector a vector with fill pointer

VECTOR-PUSH function pushes new-element into specified vector. Supplied vector must have fill-pointer (see MAKE-ARRAY). New element is placed at last fill-pointer position and fill-pointer is incremented. See also MAKE-ARRAY, VECTOR-POP and VECTOR-PUSH. Return value is index at which the new item was placed, or NIL if there is no room.

(defparameter *v* (make-array 2 :fill-pointer 0)) => *V*
(vector-push 4 *v*) => 0
(vector-push 3 *v*) => 1
(vector-push 2 *v*) => NIL
*v* => #(4 3)
(vector-pop *v*) => 3
(vector-pop *v*) => 4
Symbol type: function
vector-push-extendnew-elementvectorextension(keyword) => index
Argument description:
new-element a object
vector a vector with fill pointer
extension a positive integer

VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND function pushes new-element into specified vector. Supplied vector must be adjustable (see MAKE-ARRAY) and have fill-pointer. New element is placed at last fill-pointer position and fill-pointer is incremented. Vector size is adjusted a number of items as specified by extension argument, if necessary. See also MAKE-ARRAY, VECTOR-POP and VECTOR-PUSH. Return value is index at which the new item was placed.

(defparameter *v* (make-array 2 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) => *V*
(vector-push-extend 4 *v*) => 0
(vector-push-extend 3 *v*) => 1
(vector-push-extend 2 *v*) => 2
*v* => #(4 3 2)
(vector-pop *v*) => 2
(vector-pop *v*) => 3
(vector-pop *v*) => 4
Symbol, Characters, Hash, Structure, Objects and Conversions
Symbol type: function
atomobject => T or NIL
Argument description:
object an object

ATOM function returns true if the argument is not a cons cell, otherwise it returns false. See CONS and LIST.

(atom nil) => T
(atom 'some-symbol) => T
(atom 3) => T
(atom "moo") => T
(atom (cons 1 2)) => NIL
(atom '(1 . 2)) => NIL
(atom '(1 2 3 4)) => NIL
(atom (list 1 2 3 4)) => NIL
Symbol type: function
coerceobjectresult-type => an object
Argument description:
object an object
result-type a type specifier

COERCE function converts between different types. See full documentation for conversion description.

(coerce '(a b c) 'vector) => #(A B C)
(coerce #(a b c) 'list) => (A B C)
(coerce 4.4d0 'single-float) => 4.4
(coerce 4.4s0 'double-float) => 4.400000095367432d0
(coerce "x" 'character) => #\x
Symbol type: function
gethashkeyhashtabledefault(optional) => an object
Argument description:
key an object
hashtable a hash-table
default an object, default is NIL

GETHASH function reads associated value for given key in hashtable. (SETF GETHASH) adds or replaces associated values. See also MAKE-HASH-TABLE.

(defparameter *tab* (make-hash-table)) => *TAB*
(gethash 'x *tab*) => NIL, NIL
(setf (gethash 'x *tab*) "x") => "x"
(setf (gethash 'y *tab*) "yy") => "yy"
(gethash 'x *tab*) => "x", T
(gethash 'y *tab*) => "yy", T
(gethash 'z *tab* 'moo) => MOO, NIL
Symbol type: function
internstirngpackage(optional) => symbol, status
Argument description:
stirng a string
package a package designator, default is current package

INTERN function makes a new symbol from string. Possible status values are: :inherited, :external, :internal, or nil.

(intern "MOO") => MOO, NIL
(intern "MOO") => MOO, :INTERNAL
(intern "moo") => |moo|, NIL
Symbol type: function
make-hash-tabletest(keyword)size(keyword)rehash-size(keyword)rehash-threshold(keyword) => hash-table
Argument description:
test EQ, EQL EQUAL or EQUALP; default is EQL
size a non-negative integer
rehash-size a real number
rehash-threshold a real number

MAKE-HASH-TABLE creates a new hash-table. Size parameter specifies initial size of inner table. Test specifies comparison operator for keys. See also GETHASH.

(defparameter *tab* (make-hash-table)) => *TAB*
(gethash 'x *tab*) => NIL, NIL
(setf (gethash 'x *tab*) "x") => "x"
(setf (gethash 'y *tab*) "yy") => "yy"
(gethash 'x *tab*) => "x", T
(gethash 'y *tab*) => "yy", T
(gethash 'z *tab* 'moo) => MOO, NIL
Input and output
Symbol type: function
formatdestinationcontrol-stringargs(zero or more) => string or NIL
Argument description:
destination T, NIL, stream or string with fill-pointer
control-string a string with formating directives
args format arguments for control-string

FORMAT function does a complex text formatting. Formatting rules are driven by control-string and arguments in arg. When destination is stream or string with fill-pointer, the resulting string is written to it. T as a destination means "write to terminal". NIL as destination means "return the formatted string back as string". See also WRITE-STRING, TERPRI, PRINC, PRIN1 and PRINT.

Control string is composed of normal text and embedded directives. Directives begin with tilde (~) character. Most common are: ~a - output with aesthetics, ~s - standard output, ~% newline, tilde parenthesis - flow control, tilde tilde - escape sequence for tilde. See full documentation or examples for more.

(format nil "Items in list:~%~{~a, ~}" '(1 2 3 4)) => "Items in list:
1, 2, 3, 4, "
(format nil "~{~a~^, ~}" '(1 2 3 4)) => "1, 2, 3, 4"
(format nil "~f" 3.141592) => "3.141592"
(format nil "~2,3f" 3.141592) => "3.142"
(format nil "~7,3f" 3.141592) => "  3.142"
(format nil "~a ~s" "xyz" "xyz") => "xyz \"xyz\""
Symbol type: function
readinput-stream(optional)eof-error-p(optional)eof-value(optional)recursive-p(optional) => an object
Argument description:
input-stream an input stream, default is standard input
eof-error-p a boolean, true (default) is EOF should be signaled
eof-value an object that is returned as EOF value
recursive-p flag to note recursive processing

READ function reads arbitrary readable lisp object from input stream. Reading process uses *read-table*. Note that *read-eval* global variable controls read-time evaluation (#. macro).

(let ((s (make-string-input-stream "(1 2 3)"))) (read s)) => (1 2 3)
(let ((s (make-string-input-stream "#(1 2 3)"))) (read s)) => #(1 2 3)
(let ((s (make-string-input-stream "\"hola\""))) (read s)) => "hola"
Symbol type: function
read-charinput-stream(optional)eof-error-p(optional)eof-value(optional)recursive-p(optional) => char
Argument description:
input-stream an input stream, default is standard input
eof-error-p a boolean, true (default) is EOF should be signaled
eof-value an object that is returned as EOF value
recursive-p flag to note recursive processing

READ-CHAR function reads a character from input stream.

(let ((s (make-string-input-stream (format nil "line 1~%line 2~%line 3)")))) (read-char s))
=> #\l
Symbol type: function
read-lineinput-stream(optional)eof-error-p(optional)eof-value(optional)recursive-p(optional) => line, missing-newline-p
Argument description:
input-stream an input stream, default is standard input
eof-error-p a boolean, true (default) is EOF should be signaled
eof-value an object that is returned as EOF value
recursive-p flag to note recursive processing

READ-LINE function reads a line from input stream into string.

(let ((s (make-string-input-stream (format nil "line 1~%line 2~%line 3)")))) (read-line s))
=> "line 1", NIL
Symbol type: function
write-stringstringoutput-stream(optional)start(keyword)end(keyword) => string
Argument description:
string a string
output-stream a stream, default is standard output
start bounding index
end bounding index

WRITE-STRING function writes string into standard output or specified output stream. See WRITE-LINE, FORMAT.

(write-string "xyz")
=> "xyz"
Functions, Evaluation, Flow Control, Definitions and Syntax
Symbol type: function
applyfnargs(zero or more) => value
Argument description:
fn a function designator
args call arguments

APPLY function call supplied function with specified arguments. Argument list is constructed as (append (butlast args) (first (last args))). Note that there is limitation of maximal number of arguments, see CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT constant. See also FUNCALL, LAMBDA.

(apply #'+ 1 2 3 '(4 5 6)) => 21
(apply #'sin '(1.0)) => 0.84147096
(apply #'sin 1.0 nil) => 0.84147096
Symbol type: macro
caseexpressionvariants(zero or more) => an object
Argument description:
expression a value used to distinguish between variants
variants list of match-values and code variants

CASE macro is used for branching. Variants are tested sequentially for EQL equality with from the top. See also IF, CASE.

(case (+ 1 2)
      (5 "variant 1, five")
      ((2 3) "variant 2, two or three")
      (otherwise "variant 3, none of above")) => "variant 2, two or three"
Symbol type: macro
condvariants => an object
Argument description:
variants list of test and code variants

COND macro is used for branching. Variants are tested sequentially from the top. See also IF, CASE.

(cond ((> 3 4) "variant 1")
      ((> 4 2) "variant 2")
      (t "always valid variant")) => "variant 2"
Symbol type: macro
defparameternameinitial-valuedocumentation(optional) => an object
Argument description:
name a name for global variable
initial-value an expression
documentation documentation string

DEFPARAMETER defines global variable with dynamic scoping. Usual conventions dictate to make such variables easy to distinguish so their name is surrounded by stars. Value for variable is reevaluated for each occurence (unlike with DEFVAR). See also DEFVAR, LET, SETQ.

(defparameter *my-global-variable* (+ 3 5)) => *MY-GLOBAL-VARIABLE*
*my-global-variable* => 8
Symbol type: macro
defunnameargsforms(zero or more) => symbol
Argument description:
name symbol
args arguments of function
forms sequentially executed forms

DEFUN form creates named function. The function is associated with definition environment. Named functions can be called simply by specifying their name in function position in parenthesis, or they can be acquired by FUNCTION special form, or SYMBOL-FUNCTION function. Arguments of function can be regular (matched by position), optional (with default values), keyword (matched by keyword symbol) and rest (taking rest of arguments into a list). Result of function application is value of the last form unless return function or nonlocal exit is executed. Functions can be redefined. See also LAMBDA, FUNCALL, APPLY.

(defun myname (x) (+ x 3)) => MYNAME
(defun myname (x y) (* x y) (+ x y)) (myname 2 3) => 5
(defun myname (&optional (one 1) (two 2)) (list one two)) (myname) => (1 2)
(defun myname (&optional (one 1) (two 2)) (list one two)) (myname 10) => (10 2)
(defun myname (&optional (one 1) (two 2)) (list one two)) (myname 10 20) => (10 20)
(defun myname (&rest myargs) (length myargs)) (myname) => 0
(defun myname (&rest myargs) (length myargs)) (myname 4 5 6) => 3
(defun myname (&rest myargs) (length myargs)) (myname '(4 5 6)) => 1
(defun myname (&key one two) (list one two)) (myname) => (NIL NIL)
(defun myname (&key one two) (list one two)) (myname :two 7) => (NIL 7)
(defun myname (&key one two) (list one two)) (myname :two 7 :one 4) => (4 7)
Symbol type: function
evalform => value
Argument description:
form a value forming lisp expression

EVAL function interprets (or compiles and runs) the argument and returns the result. See also APPLY, LAMBDA, FUNCALL.

(eval '(+ 1 2)) => 3
(eval '(let ((x 2)) (sin x))) => 0.9092974
(let ((expr '(((x 2)) (sin x)))) (eval (cons 'let expr))) => 0.9092974
Symbol type: special form
fletbindingsbody(zero or more) => an object
Argument description:
bindings list containing function definitions
body program code in which definitions above are effective, implicit progn

FLET is special form for local function binding. Bindings are not recursive and cannot refer to each other. Each binding contains function name, arguments, and function body. See LABELS, DEFUN, LAMBDA.

(flet ((sin2x (x) (sin (* 2 x)))
       (cos2x (x) (cos (* 2 x))))
 (+ (sin2x 0.2) (cos2x 0.2)))
=> 1.3104793
Symbol type: function
funcallfnargs(zero or more) => value
Argument description:
fn a function designator
args call arguments

FUNCALL function call supplied function with specified arguments. Argument list is same as in the rest of funcall call. Function designator is function itself or symbol specifying global function name. Note that there is limitation of maximal number of arguments, see CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT constant. See also APPLY, LAMBDA.

(funcall #'+ 1 2 3 4 5 6) => 21
(funcall #'sin 1.0) => 0.84147096
(funcall 'sin 1.0) => 0.84147096
Symbol type: special form
functionsymbol => function
Argument description:
symbol symbol of function name

FUNCTION is special form for accessing namespace of functions. See also QUOTE.

(function sin) => #<FUNCTION>
#'sin => #<FUNCTION>
(funcall #'sin 1.0) => 0.84147096
Symbol type: special syntax
iftestthenelse(optional) => an object
Argument description:
test an expression
then an expression
else an expression, default NIL

IF special form is used for branching. Either "then" or "else" branch is taken. Then branch is selected when "test" result is not NIL. See also COND, CASE.

(if (> 3 4) "variant 1" "variant 2") => "variant 2"
(if (> 4 3) "variant 1" "variant 2") => "variant 1"
Symbol type: special form
labelsbindingsbody(zero or more) => an object
Argument description:
bindings list containing function definitions
body program code in which definitions above are effective, implicit progn

LABELS is special form for local function binding. Bindings can be recursive and can refer to each other. Each binding contains function name, arguments, and function body. See FLET, DEFUN, LAMBDA.

(labels ((fact2x (x) (fact (* 2 x)))
         (fact (x) (if (< x 2) 1 (* x (fact (1- x))))))
  (fact2x 3))
 => 720
Symbol type: special
lambdaargsforms(zero or more) => function
Argument description:
args arguments of function
forms sequentially executed forms

LAMBDA form creates function object associated with definition environment. This function object is called "closure". It can be applied later with funcall. Arguments of function can be regular (matched by position), optional (with default values), keyword (matched by keyword symbol) and rest (taking rest of arguments into a list). Lambda form don't have to be prefixed with "#'" syntax. Result of function application is value of the last form unless return function or nonlocal exit is executed.

(lambda (x) (+ x 3)) => <#closure>
(funcall (lambda (x y) (* x y) (+ x y)) 2 3) => 5
(funcall (lambda (&optional (one 1) (two 2)) (list one two))) => (1 2)
(funcall (lambda (&optional (one 1) (two 2)) (list one two)) 10) => (10 2)
(funcall (lambda (&optional (one 1) (two 2)) (list one two)) 10 20) => (10 20)
(funcall (lambda (&rest myargs) (length myargs))) => 0
(funcall (lambda (&rest myargs) (length myargs)) 4 5 6) => 3
(funcall (lambda (&rest myargs) (length myargs)) '(4 5 6)) => 1
(funcall (lambda (&key one two) (list one two))) => (NIL NIL)
(funcall (lambda (&key one two) (list one two)) :two 7) => (NIL 7)
(funcall (lambda (&key one two) (list one two)) :two 7 :one 4) => (4 7)
Symbol type: special form
letbindingsbody(zero or more) => an object
Argument description:
bindings list of variable - initial value pairs
body program code in which definitions above are effective, implicit progn

LET is special form for variable binding. Bindings are described in two element lists where the first element specifies name and the second is code to compute its value, or single variable without default initialization. There are also declarations possible before body.

(let (a b (c 3) (d (+ 1 2))) (list a b c d)) => (NIL NIL 3 3)
Symbol type: special form
prognlist => value
Argument description:
list expressions

PROGN calls its expression in the order they have been written. Resulting value is the value of the last form unless non-local control flow forced earlier return. See also PROG1, PROG2.

Note that many macros and special forms behave partially as PROGN. It is called "implicit progn".

(progn 1 2 3 4 5) => 5
(progn 1 2 (sin 2.0) 4 (sin 1.0)) => 0.84147096
(progn) => NIL
Symbol type: special form
quotedata => value
Argument description:
data data

QUOTE is special form for data quotation. The apostrophe character is reader macro synonym for QUOTE. See also FUNCTION.

(+ 1 2 3) => 6
(quote (+ 1 2 3)) => (+ 1 2 3)
'(+ 1 2 3) => (+ 1 2 3)
(let ((some-symbol 4)) some-symbol) => 4
(let ((some-symbol 4)) (quote some-symbol)) => SOME-SYMBOL
(let ((some-symbol 4)) 'some-symbol) => SOME-SYMBOL
Symbol type: macro
setfpairs(zero or more) => an object
Argument description:
pairs pairs of places and values

SETF is similar to SETQ but works with generalized places. Many functions for read access can be turned into write access. See LET, SETQ. SETF expanders can be defined in multiple ways, most easier is (defun (setf my-name) arguments body...).

(let (a b) (setf a 4) (setf b 3) (setf a (+ a b))) => 7
(let ((a #(1 2 3 4))) (setf (aref a 2) 'new-value) a) => #(1 2 NEW-VALUE 4)
(let ((a '(1 2 3 4))) (setf (third a) 'new-value) a) => (1 2 NEW-VALUE 4)
Symbol type: special form
setqpairs(zero or more) => an object
Argument description:
pairs pairs of variables and values

SETQ special form sets a variable. If a variable name is not know, implementation may create new one global and dynamic one. See also LET, SETF.

(let (a b) (setq a 4) (setq b 3) (setq a (+ a b))) => 7
Full documentation (HyperSpec)