Simplified Common Lisp reference
Symbol class: Conses, Lists and related functions
Symbol type: function
memberitemlisttest(keyword)key(keyword) => tail or NIL
Argument description:
item an item to be found
list a list to be searched
test function key and item comparison
key function for extracting value before test

MEMBER function searches a list for the first occurrence of an element (item) satisfying the test. Return value is tail of the list starting from found element or NIL when item is not found. See also MEMBER-IF, POSITION, POSITION-IF, FIND and FIND-IF.

(member 1 '(0 1 0 0 0 1 0)) => (1 0 0 0 1 0)
(member 2 '(0 1 0 0 0 1 0)) => NIL
(member #\h '(#\H #\o #\l #\a)) => NIL
(member #\h '(#\H #\o #\l #\a) :test #'char-equal) => (#\H #\o #\l #\a)
(member #\h '(#\H #\o #\l #\a) :key #'char-downcase) => (#\H #\o #\l #\a)
Function indexFull documentation for member (HyperSpec)